Saturday, October 31, 2009

Family Members Cycling

Name: David Munusamy Reddie
Age: 56 years
Date Of Birth: 02-05-1953

Name: Shanti a/p David Munusamy Reddie
Age: 15 years
Date Of Birth: 11-02-1994
Occupation: Student
Why do we want travel by bicycle with our father?
"Hai, Im Shanti daughter of David Munusamy Reddie {who famous in Malaysia}, just now only i was interset in cycling because of my father.When he tell about his memory when he going to travel, i was interset to cycling.Then, When i see some cylist come to my house i was more interset. I still remember that some cyclist give me tips for cycling . I really was interset and now i start cycle with my father and the twins brother. Hope this trip give me are sweet memory.Thanks"

Name: Yugnthiran a/l David Munusamy Reddie
Age: 12 years
Date Of Birth: 03-11-1997
Occupation: Student
Why I want to cycle with my Father?
"Hai...I want to say Thank you to my dad for give  me an interset to cycling.When my father tell me hw was saw some family cycling during his trip...i was interset, and i think  im the 1st cycling in the malaysia who just 12 yrears old.Thankz daddy"

Name: Yugeswaran a/l David Munusamy Reddie
Age: 12 years
Date Of Birth: 03-11-1997
Occupation: Student
Why I want to cycle with my Father?
"Hai..The most important thing you need is family. And you have to realize that families arent always so close. As long as someone knows and believes you that i have so when i be cloased to my father i get know about cycling and now i want to start it."

Why do I want to travel by bicycle with my Children?
During my cycling trip in Europe I saw many families cycling with their children. Its so lovely to see them rideing with bikes. That moment I plan after my trip in Europe the first thing I must do is Cycling with my Children around Malaysia. Its may be costly to start but I hope to get sponsers during my cylcing trip.
Cycling with your family is a great thing to do. Clearly a lot of people find that is so: witness the number of families pedalling up and down the nearest railway trail of a weekend. For many non-cyclists, this is the only kind of cycling they do and for many cyclists it is one of the activities they find most rewarding. And so it should be. Some useful information before you start
Riding with your children, from the earliest possible age, is the best way to introduce them to cycling and pass all your knowledge and experience on to the next generation. If you’re a keenie those ridiculously short and slow rides full of stops for playgrounds and every field with animals may seem irksome, but “child-centred cycling” is well worth the sacrifice to your training regime. Just think, in years to come you’ll have the best of all riding partner(s) – people of your own flesh and blood to share all those great experiences that cycling can give. For now they’ll be little experiences of course, but try to see them though the eyes of your little ones they’ll look big enough!

Growing a cyclist
You cannot force a young person to become a cyclist, only encourage. From an early age and especially as they get older, your kids must be allowed to choose not to cycle even if that means one parent missing their weekly ride. By all means make the stay-at-home alternative seem relatively boring: “oh that’s okay, you can help me with this little job”. In which case they probably will choose cycling. Reluctance to get out of a morning is often nothing more than cold feet. They generally enjoy it once they’re up and at it.
Be sensitive to peer pressure. As the teens approach they may not want to be seen in funny cycling clothes in the company of their strange cycling parents by any other kid from their school or wider social circle. Reluctance to ride may be curable simply by varying your route to avoid the school catchment, riding separately until past it, a change of clothes, or starting even earlier!
Remember that they have youth on their side and that whereas you may need to ride hard every week to avoid going backwards, they really don’t. As a teenager they’ll lose little fitness despite a gap of a month or more, and when they do get back into it again they’ll advance in leaps and bounds. A few rides and it could be you who struggles to keep up!
Growing a new person is very much like tending a vine. There are times when a lot of training is needed, others when you must let it alone. Too much attention stunts growth, too little results in a rampant mess and no fruit. No one ever said it was easy, but get it near enough right and you can look forward to some great cycling in the best of all company.

Try not to force a reluctant child to go out cycling. Discuss your plans a few days ahead, involve the kids in the planning, engage their interest in the places you could visit. Don’t just drag them round the usual clubrun of boring old people and few stops – not unless they’re young enough to enjoy the fuss the old dears make of them or unless the chocolate cake at the cafĂ© is encouragement enough.